Monday, April 8, 2013

Lake Tulloch Vacation Rental Ordinance on April 9, 2013 agenda

   Very disappointing is the fact that a bad law is being approved by the Calaveras Board of Supervisors tomorrow, picking on certain homeowners in Calaveras County.

   The new law will require only vacation rentals on Lake Tulloch to have a very expensive permit in order to rent their home out.

   Mr. Jack Cox, a profession lobbyist convinced Debbie Ponte, a new Supervisor in that district, that this was a good thing.

  Yes, Mr. Cox apparently has a vacation rental next door to him and doesn't like it, even though he only lives here part time.

   Ponte bought into it and we can see that this will eventually be part of the entire county's laws.

  No one can see how you can punish certain homeowners and not all of them.  Therefore rental owners throughout the county know it is only a matter of time.


Anonymous said...

You know, I was pulled over for speeding the other day. The cop said I was doing 45 in a 25mph zone. I told him I always drove 45mph on this block, have been since 1969. The cop said the neighborhood asked for a 25mph zone because some cars were going 60mph or more. After the County studied the request, it was determined the speeding cars did pose a safety risk to the neighborhood and the speed limit was lowered.
The speed limit was lowered to 25mph, but it didn’t outlaw cars. You are still allowed to drive, but you are being asked to be conscience and aware of your surroundings and drive 25mph. This new speed limit is for only a certain street. Unlike Hwy 4. There is no need to regulate Hwy 4 because cars going 65mph are not causing similar safety concerns.
So, even though I felt I was being picked on and the cost of the ticket was outrageous, I will be driving 25mph in that neighborhood.
In another words, I’m tired of folks renting their homes at over 45mph when they could be safely renting at 25mph on my street. You want 65mph. Go rent in Callaway’s district. By the way. permanent resident here.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cox, you do not own the street. Totally different than your home. Maybe you shouldn't get paid so much for your lobbying.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you got a ticket. You know, someone should demand that the "reading of the ordinance" not be "waived" Mke them read it and all of these ridiculous new laws they are passing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I’m not Mr. Cox. I do not know his salary, but I am taller, a bit younger, and better looking, thank you!
You are right, I don't own the street. But I totally own my car. And in order to drive my car, I must adhere to the County rules and regulations of the road.
And I did not receive a ticket. I was not stopped. Although my story is fictitious, the intent is to help those with trouble understanding irresponsible renters and unregulated, illegal hotels which are passed off as owner privilege.
Please take time out from your soap box and read the revised ordinance. Ya might learn a thing or three..

Anonymous said...

Ah, so you're nothin but a big fibber!

Anonymous said...

well, being 6'5"..I've told some tall,tall tales!!!...fibber?...nahhhh...just call it artistic license..