Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So much for the Calaveras County Taxpayers Association

   What a shock!!  Al Segalla and his few followers of the Calaveras County Taxpayers Assn, want
to spend $4 million on a computer program. They said so at the Board of Supervisors meeting on June 11, 2013.

   Why do we feel that Supervisor Callaway is going to have a lot more heartburn like she and the taxpayers had in 1998 when we wasted millions and then through a computer program in the trash.

     We have also thrown over a million away on a General Plan consultant. This county is not a good group to choose any thing that costs millions. We will remember these 4 elected officials.

     Why is it that the taxpayers club doesn't have a clue?  Supervisor Wright was the one who asked to have them wait until after budget hearings to discuss this.  That was the smart decision!!

    When there is only ONE program available in the entire state, there is something wrong and they can ask whatever price they want.

   Why is it our elected officials can do nothing but spend, spend, spend?


Anonymous said...

Yes and your buddy, Spellman expressed his derision towards those folks you speak of. Yet, he voted for it. Spellman expressed the #1 concern is Sheriff's deputies on the street relative to the $4million.

Your misunderstanding and Spellman's is the vote was to allow the working group go forward to gather definitive information to be brought back to the BOS.

Where was Spellman during the Measure J bond hearings & discussions? Does $4million sound familiar? That was the price the county paid for the Frog Hollow Justice Center land. The county didn't have the money then, either. COP funds, $7million with a $14million payback, were used to replenish the the county's piggybank. Let's not forget the $58 million measure J project. Half the money coming from an increasing, annually, bond measure pay back by property owners. A jail the courts can fill immediately and a budget that cannot support full staffing of correctional officers of the new jail.

If you take the time to read just a portion of the budget material, put two & two together. What do you come up with? Could it be that the prevailing wage mentality does not benefit all, but, is harming us all?

Spellman, you tout your degree in history. Now go read Calaveras Government History.

Anonymous said...

You are shocked? This is the tea party. They wouldn't know a tax law from a hole in their head.

Anonymous said...

The CCTA is not the tea party. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's right. Sorry, the Tea Party is the CCTA, righr?