Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CHP: Our Questions about Hwy 4 collision? It's often the cover-up!!

  UPDATE:  We are not allowing comments on this article, but will incorporate your questions into our report when we get someone to answer fully regarding this accident.

   July 23, 2013:  We and some of our readers, had many questions about a fairly serious traffic accident that had occurred on Hwy 4 in Hathaway Pines around 4:30 PM on July 22, 2013.

   Usually, the CHP faxes accident reports to one of our fax numbers and we write it up online. This morning, when the Hwy 4 accident wasn't faxed, we called the CHP local office in San Andreas.

   Officer Castillo, who answered the phone, told us that there were probably no injuries, therefore we would not get a press release.

   Since we had witnessed two ambulances leave the scene, we knew there were injuries, so we asked him about the accident report.

   Officer Castillo stated that probably no report had  been turned in by the officer, that he had no report.

    Then he went on to tell us that when it was given to the press, we should look at another competing website for details.

   Whoa!! Then we called CHP Internal Affairs in Sacramento, Officer Natly, and told them we suspected something was not quite right and that we had questions about the accident.

   He called the local office and almost immediately the press release was faxed over.  This just raised more questions. Why not with the other accident reports we received earlier, like usual?

   The Internal Affairs office meanwhile told us that Sargent Heminway wasn't at work yet; to call later on.

    He also told us that Officer Castillo didn't realize who we were when we called him. (Then why would he be talking "press releases" with us?)

   We spoke with the local San Andreas office again and requested to speak with the officer listed on the report, Perry.

   Later, the Sargent, named Heminway, called back and said they HE  hadn't exactly finished up the report earlier and that that was the reason it wasn't sent.  He then said he would have Officer Perry call us.

   An hour later, Sargent Heminway called back and said that Perry would not be allowed to speak with us.

   He stated that he didn't know until he was involved with the accident that the two people involved were very well-known county residents. He had been at the scene with Officer Perry.

   Everyone who watched the emergency responders at the scene could tell there was some special treatment going on, but what and why?

   When asked if that was the reason the press release was withheld originally, he then stated that Perry had written up the report, not he; the opposite of what he had told us before. 

    All of this only made us question more, and we are investigating until we find answers. This is a reminder that it is often the cover-up, not the initial wrongdoing that gets people in trouble.

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