Monday, August 5, 2013

Ex-Supervisor Steve Wilensky not making SEIU members happy?

   With all the rumors swirling around that Steve Wilensky powered his way back into the SEIU and
is holding a $150,000 a year job, paid for by SEIU members, we thought we would ask questions.

   We are aware that Mr. Wilensky was totally p****** that the union members turned against him after wising up to his political antics as Supervisor.

   "Why isn't he staying on his apple farm, making apple jack, where he belongs." We've been asked. "Why would we want him back?"

   So we thought we would ask him. Does anyone out there have his new number at SEIU? We won't tell who gave it to us!

   We had earlier heard the Fish and Wildlife turned him down when he applied, but that hasn't been confirmed. We are aware that he spent a lot of time in Sacramento lobbying for himself without success.


Anonymous said...

Why are you talking about wilensky. I like him cause he ended all building in Calaveras county. he did good!

Anonymous said...

Well, that's for sure and ended all the good jobs, and the economy, and our tax base. let's see what else did he destroy? Good riddance!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know SEIU took him back. Why?

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. that better not be true. I didn't think anyone would hire him after what he did to Calaveras county. that guy is such bad news!

Anonymous said...

how does w have time for holly if he has to work now?

Anonymous said...

but he made good apple juice. did he move away?

Anonymous said...

You don't get it? He ran on his ability to destroy the county. he got some woman friend of his hired to get rid of the only food building head we ever had and she destroyed planning too. He did what he was supposed to do, kill jobs in Calaveras county. get a clue!!

Anonymous said...

I thought he was real nice.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. He was real nice, all right just like a snake in the grass is nice.

Anonymous said...

Tryon and Wilensky will not be missed. that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Come September, the final budget hearings, let's see what is thought of the past boards of supervisors and the current board.