Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Letter to the Editor....About Smoke, Get used to it!!

   Dear Sentinel Editor:

   Everyone is complaining about the smoke here in the Murphys-Angels Camp area. Well, I think
everyone might as well get used to it.

   As the world becomes more warm and everything gets drier, there will be more and more fires and that means lots and lots of smoke.

   Personally, I think the US forest service lets fires burn longer than they should, not making a real attempt to put them out quickly.

   I've heard that they think fire is good for the forest, but I say bull****! 

   Yes, you may not like the smoke now, but just wait. Some day they won't be able to stop the fires, since there will be less and less water and we will just have to get used to the smoke!!!  

   Call me Not Smokey the Bear

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