Tuesday, August 13, 2013

McClintock says he's uniting? Not dividing?

   Sometimes we get the most ridiculous press releases from our elected officials. Today's release from Congressman McClintock's office is absolutely laughable.
   I guess he refers to us as the "leftist" media. We have also been accused of being the "rightist" media. Does he even realize where the majority of the country is; somewhere in the middle?

   In it he calls everyone his friend and says that because the President has been so terrible and lied to the public that everyone is now uniting around him and his right wing Tea Party.

      If you'll all just agree with everything I say, we'll all be united, right Mr. McClintock?

   O...M...G!  Where does he spend his time? Certainly not in the real world! He might wish that his Republican party was not divided- might wish that everyone was just like him (right wing judgmental, gun-toting frog killers) but he isn't stupid.

   He knows what the "normal" working people are thinking "What are these bunch of nuts trying to do to our county, anyway?"

  He might as well continue to live in his dream world, and smile while the Republican Party goes down in tatters never to be seen again as a respected political force.


Anonymous said...

Why are you unwilling to think?
Congressman McClintock is trying to preserve Yosemite as it is constructed for the visitors. Yosemite is a product of the people, by the people, for the people, not just the environmentalist.
What is it you don't understand?
Do you want Yosemite deconstructed? Yes or no!

Anonymous said...

I would have thought that extremist conservative Christian McClintock would say that Yosemite was created by God; or at least by Mother Nature, but certainly not by man.
In fact, it has been deconstructed by man, as has the rest of the earth. It needs to rest from our destruction.

Anonymous said...

I thought he said the Tea Party created the world for the shooters and the religious extremists and that they want to get rid of the rest of us. He doesn't care about the health or environment of Yosemite or anywhere else. Only what lines his pocketbook like most bad elected officials.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Christians?
You are, apparently, a mother earther, deity believer.
Are you also a believer that Yosemite should not be visited, appreciated by the unwashed masses, just stomped around on by environmentalists?
Please share how you are giving earth a rest from your personal destruction.