Monday, August 5, 2013

Op-Ed.....What is Calaveras Planning Department's "Chatter on the street?"

   In an email that Calaveras Planning Director Rebecca Willis sent to Supervisors regarding an upcoming
Planning Commission meeting, she mentions "Chatter on the street".

   What is "Chatter on the Street"? Isn't it the constituents, the voters, begging for jobs in Calaveras County.

   Isn't it the people, trying to get the County to listen to them FOR A CHANGE?  In referring to these comments as "Chatter" she is relegating them to "garbage" that the Supervisors should ignore, isn't she?

   Something controlling and bad for the County's people is going on at the Planning Department and if the Supervisors can't see that, they should look again!

   The other interesting thing is that at the end, she reminds the Supervisors not to reply to "all" but to call her on her cell phone or email her privately. What in the heck is going on down there?


Anonymous said...

As far as jobs, this has got to be one of the laziest counties in California. Let alone able bodied persons passing a drug test and carrying a valid drivers the same time!!

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting! Doesn't Willis know that all e-mails are now "public documents??

Anonymous said...

She actually tells the Supervisors to call her private cell phone and not to reply "all" to her email. More secrets they don't want us to know, you think?

Anonymous said...

Chatter on the street? That's all the cranksters grinding their teeth...

Anonymous said...

Lol!!! You're killing me here!
Don't reply to "All"? Sneaky?
Why don't you contact Microsoft and ask the help desk about Outlook and why someone wouldn't want you to reply to "All"? And ask if there is a way to remedy that without having to spell it out in an email! You'll be surprised what your computer can do!
And she's using her private cell! Oh, I give up! Can't cure stupid!