Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Calaveras Supervisor Callaway wants more Pot Dispensaries--Not Donut Shops!!

   After being told by the owner that his pot dispensary was totally legal, we decided to back it up by checking county records.

   We sent an email to Annette Huse in Planning asking for a copy of the Conditional Use Permit. We NEVER heard back.

   We also checked for ficticious names online, under the name they are using and under Mr. Carlson's name and nothing came up.

   Then we emailed County Clerk Madeline Krska to ask her why we couldn't find it, if we were searching incorrectly or what.  She NEVER responded, either.

   Perhaps there is a hidden file for Supervisor Merita Callaway's favorite businesses, and that they are not required to make them public.

   Its a shame that many other businesses are not given the same benefits as Supervisor Callaway's favorites.

   Many remember how badly she treated the poor little donut shop, who lost everything, and others who are not her favorites.


Anonymous said...

A pot store in Ebbetts Pass. How exciting. Who's giving out the prescriptions? I want one!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go kiss Callaway for this. Does she give the prescriptions? I know she pretends to be a minister, so she probably does the same as a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Only one of the many reasons people all the way in sacramento laugh at Calaveras County. We have screwy priorities!!

Anonymous said...

You mean we have screwy elected officials.

Anonymous said...

You can't have one without the other. Think people.