Sunday, October 20, 2013

Congressman McClintock not fiscal conservative -- He DOUBLE DIPS!!

Wait! This is not McClintock!
Isn't this his brother?
    Not surprisingly, Tea Party right-wingers are not really fiscally conservative. Their agendas are more along the line of hatred
for our President.  He costs us taxpayers more money as his greed is great!

   Did you know that our Congressional Representative actually is a DOUBLE DIPPER himself. He really needs to go and most likely will in 2014, since he is being "primaried".

    Yes, it's true!  He collects his congressional retirement while still serving as an elected official instead of waiting until he retires (OR GETS RETIRED).  Oh, yes! He blames his wife! Typical for a tea party right winger.


Anonymous said...

I think it is his brother. LOL

Anonymous said...

I thought Tom McClintock was a true fiscal conservative. What happened?

Anonymous said...

It's a miracle one of them hasn't made an attempt on the Presidnet's life. I've heard threats even here in Calaveras County.