Monday, October 21, 2013

Tony Quinn says "GOP must rid itself of the Tea Party" McClintock worst!

   In Fox and Hounds today, Tony Quinn wrote that "It is time for California Republicans to confront their REAL enemies
who are dragging them from defeat to defeat, and this means dealing with the Tea Party extremists in their own ranks.

   "Until the state GOP faces up to this it cannot be rebuilt, and 2014 is exactly the time to start." 

    Quinn goes on to say that " no Tea Party congressman is more deserving of defeat that Tom McClintock, R- Elk Grove, whose 30 year career has been devoted to destroying the sunny, positive conservatism that Ronald Reagan gave us and replacing it with a sour, negative, anti-everything fringy right-wing populism."

   If you read the article, he goes on to lay out specific things he has done to hurt retired seniors in the Mother Lode area (McCLintock represents Calaveras and other Mother Lode counties) and that a moderate Republican could well defeat him in November, just like Bigelow beat Rico Oller, the extremist in the State Assembly race. 

  In this case, the top two tier system could work. We go rid of Dan Lungren this way. And we had been stuck with him for a long time. Let's get to work, GET RID OF MCCLINTOCK!


Anonymous said...

You realize that it will take Republican moderates and Democrats to unseat McClintock, just like it did with Lungren and to get Bigelow in. We could have been stuck with Oller, omg. The question is, can business Republicans and fiscal Democrats work together?

Anonymous said...

There's one more we have to eliminate in Calaveras County. Its that totally wacked out right wing nut case Spellman. I haven't heard if anyone is running against him, except another nut case down there, and that's scary.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Kuntz is in so deep with those tea partiers, its not funny. He needs a long vacation too, and without retirement. No second term. Let's clean house of Tea Party lovers.

Anonymous said...

There's a rumor that the Sierra Sentinel has a detailed list of Tea Party emails with names. Will you print it? Then we'll know who they are.

Anonymous said...

We have to do something. it's like we're back in the racist civil war south. Did you know they control the central committees for the republican party in Calaveras?

Anonymous said...

And I though Fox and HOunds was a FOX News website. What a jolt!

Anonymous said...

Wait, I could be on one of those lists. I was curious and they told me they were not racist. they lied.

Anonymous said...

Who is Tony Quinn? Please give his credentials.

Anonymous said...

You don't know who Quinn is. Better look him up and get wiser.

Anonymous said...

Tony Quinn, you're my hero!

Anonymous said...

Me too! Now let's get to work and throw him out with the bath water.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this rag tag lot of mottle scribblers won't tell who Tony Quinn is? Is he the Arch-Duke of liberal democrats?