Monday, November 18, 2013

Calaveras Board Clerk cut off after error in long speech

   At the Calaveras Board of Supervisors meeting on November 12, 2013 the Board Clerk began making a long speech, saying things like " my experience..." (as if she had been with the County for 20 years). Is that true?

   She was apparently trying to tell the public how deleting documents is a good thing. But when she went on and on, she started talking about the " ...Freedom of Information Act..." and immediately she was cut off by CAO Norton, followed by County Counsel.

   Why the Board Clerk is giving speeches during Board meetings is totally unclear, but the CAO and County Counsel corrected the clerk, by telling the public that in California it is the "California Public Records Act" that applies to the public's right to access documents.

   While it is common for the public to mix up Federal Document requests with state requests, it is not common for someone supposedly representing the County to make these mistakes. In actuality, this clerk has not been with the county long.

   The clerk was not allowed to complete her long spiel and finished the rest of the meeting apparently staring at her computer screen, since she is no longer allowed to take minutes of the meetings.

   It seems that perhaps a person who is this inexperienced (and careless) would be more useful doing some filing or other clerical duties, instead of sitting doing mostly nothing at the Board of Supervisor meetings.

   This is not only a waste of employee time, but also a waste of our tax dollars, so typical of the Calaveras Board of Supervisors.

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