Friday, November 1, 2013

McClintock is a Carpetbagger?

   Congressman McClintock, a career politician who comes from LA where he couldn't win,  now lives in Elk Grove.

   That is not his district, so technically he is represented by Congressman Ami Bera, a very popular new Congressman who beat out Lungren in the last election.

    That makes McClintock a CARPETBAGGER, a Yankee who moved to the south to make money from the Confederates after the war. Does he also carry the traditional "carpet bag"?

   A big LA politician who moved to make money off of us rural residents, whom he doesn't even like, and won't live among. Yes, McClintock is a CARPETBAGGER!

   Compare him to Frank Bigelow, who is a 5th generation is this district, and you are left with Tom McClintock the carpetbagger from the big city of LA.


Anonymous said...

love this. lol. its true

Anonymous said...

You are so bad; honest but bad! Mr. McClintock won't like this.

Anonymous said...

Let's get rid of the carpetbagger.