Saturday, March 15, 2014

McClintock stops insulting veterans, but.....

  The new email sent out to all his tea party supporters this morning has NO apology to the veterans he has insulted, but he has stopped these insults. At least for today.

   Instead, today he is back to bashing the President, who McClintock says has put the country in a CRISIS.....over Obamacare....Huh?   He mentions the POOR giant health insurance companies. Give us a break!!

    And then he goes on to use the word bizarre, which seems very fitting for a BIZARRE Congressman. Bizarre is putting it mildly!!

   You would think he would be discussing alternative ways of handling the Russian invasion of Ukraine or how to make giant airliners safer by making tracking systems that cannot be turned off.

   But no, not McClintock!! All he can complain about is Obamacare!! We feel sorry for him. He needs to retire and go back home to LA.


Anonymous said...

i'm sure he is still slamming the veterans behind the scenes. he never really cared about us. he just wanted our votes.

Anonymous said...

McCLintock is desperate. I don't doubt he can get even worse. He knows that Moore is a treasure for REAL Republicans.