Monday, April 7, 2014

Jeb Bush could save GOP?

   Over the weekend Jeb Bush was interviewed by FOX News. Shocking everyone in the FOX audience, he told the truth about the immigration of undocumented people into the US.

    Of course, these people do not want to hear the truth, which Jeb says "is an act of love" for their families, when they take their lives in their hands to cross and work in the US.

   What most believe is the racist policies of the GOP refuse to accept that these people could be in any way, good.

  After all, their skin is brown, they speak a foreign language. OMG!!  The fact is that someone like Jeb Bush, with his kind, sensible thinking about people who come here to work and send money to their starving families, could save the GOP!

   But will the racists allow it?  No way. He could not, with his good heart and working brain, possibly get through the primary jungle with the GOP.  He would have to start lying and call them names like the others.

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