Sunday, April 6, 2014

OP-ED Lies and Corruption by City of Angels Camp

   Unfortunately, the Sierra Sentinel is personally aware of certain lies and corruption that goes on at the City of Angels Camp.

   Recently Mr. McHatten, City Administrator gave a State of the City report in which he LIED and LIED about how wonderful everything was;

   He actually stated that his buddy Steve Flaigg who is allowed to run Code Enforcement for the City did a wonderful job in 2013.

   This is an ABSOLUTE LIE!!  Steve Flaigg made racist comments and NEVER was allowed to investigate nor did he resolve any issue that the MIDDLETON family continues to complain about, using their friends at the CITY.

was put back out on the street to continue his way of doing business with residents. He is NEVER allowed to contact us again!!

   The corruption at the City is worse than even and based on his FALSE report, their needs to be a shake-up of City Manager and employees, in our opinion.  It is disgusting!!!!


Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised? Come on people, this city is worse than ever in coverups, protecting their racist buddies and treating certain people as gods.

Anonymous said...

What about the trouble on the road that is private property. This idiot council passed a resolution taking it into the city for a buddy of theirs. Then had to undo it when threatened with a lawsuit. That's all they care about is their kooky friends. They don't care about us.

Anonymous said...

Is there any city councilperson who will stand up to the city manager's poor policies and job performance?