Friday, June 6, 2014

Calaveras Supervisors use time to Campaign, Campaign, Campaign!! And pray!!

   Although Pastor Chair Debbie Ponte reminded her fellow parishioners (Board members) that they only should report on their Board appointed duties during the Board Member Announcements, Ponte was the FIRST ONE to bring up some personal promotion she wanted to announce.  They belittle the office of Supervisor when they cannot stop campaigning. Bad news!!

   Then all the rest followed suit, Callaway being the only one to ask if they were not supposed to talk about parties and campaign items.  What a joke this Board is. Edson is the worst. He continually splits his time between his CHURCH prayers and campaigning. DO YOUR JOB!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many of the committees, especially advisory committees, the bOS is appointed to are required by law?