Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Letter to the Editor: Sheriff Kuntz

   Dear Sierra Sentinel:

    I waited til after the June election to write this, but I think it's time you know what I, and many I have spoken with, believe about Sheriff Kuntz.

    I am aware of the horrid treatment the Sheriff's Office and I hear, the DA's Office is backing them up, has given your family after you reported the harassment conspiracy and downright violence and burglary to the Sheriff and the DA.

  And I believe I know why you are being denied your Civil Rights by them.  You may disagree, but that is your right.  There is no such thing as a FREE PRESS where cops are concerned, in general:

   # 1. The Sierra Sentinel has been openly critical of the deputies favorite FREE shooting range in Ebbetts Pass that they call Candyrock Gun Club, (and it IS illegal), in favor of the poor people who live in the area and not only have to listen to them, but deal with their trash, the alcohol, using the place for a toilet and shooting who knows where.

   # 2. The Sierra Sentinel DARED to exercise its constitutional rights to the PUBLIC list of those who CARRY GUNS. (called Carry Permits).  This really P.O'.d the Sheriff. I heard that he even charged you money and demanded your personal information in order to do a background check on YOU and made you wait MONTHS for the list. (This was illegal!)

   #3.  The Sierra Sentinel exposes the BAD COPS, the RACISTS, and the deputies who falsify reports, write bad things about the people who complain about their friends, and the deputies consider these people their BEST BUDS! (sad as it may seem)

   Therefore, in my humble opinion, all of this proves that this Sheriff is everything your wrote about prior to the election and possibly much worse.  I've even heard a rumor that he has yet another woman on the string in the Burson area.

    So, look out, Sierra Sentinel, now that this horrid man has been re-elected with help from Wilensky's campaigners, he will be out to get you and protect his criminal friends!  As I've told you before, his close personal friend at the Grand Jury is also stopping all investigations of his department. (This is typical of Calaveras)

    That's all I'm going to say and I am asking you to not publish my name.  Our County is in the hands of the low-life's, the racist dirty cops, and the gun thugs, just like has been written and I have the right to my own opinion.  Please don't quit now, Sentinel!!

   SITS (sick of this SH** ) in Arnold



Anonymous said...

How could anyone be surprised. It's no secret what kind of guy he is. His closest pals are druggies and other types of criminals; and the women he fools around with, yuk! He has no respect!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the Sentinel expose the AC police for the same type of thing. just try reporting a crime if you are a woman, and they are buds with all the druggies too.

Anonymous said...

Nobody seems surprised. You know, we don't get the high grade applicants here in the sticks, so what can you expect. We get rejects!

Anonymous said...

this election year gets screwier all the time. I heard some woman, a Rep, begged Kuntz to hire her son and when he did, she campaigned like crazy for him, apparently not knowing about the truth. Just grateful.

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait wait, or maybe she did know and used politics to get him in.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she did know and that's why Kuntz hired him.

Anonymous said...

FYI, his friend is no longer on the grand jury as a new grand jury was impaneled beginning July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.

Anonymous said...

I think I know who you mean. he won't stick. never had to really work an 8 hour shift before, spoiled rotten.

Anonymous said...

What do bet she was held over for another year. How much?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. Why couldn't Kuntz just have been an honorable man and sheriff. Heard he has no real education and uses brunt to handle everything, especially women.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you one thing; if you like Kuntz' handling of District 3, just wait till you get Oliveira in the Supervisor job. No questioning his authority. What he says goes! He is NOT a nice person. But you will get a lot of gun thugs with brand new shooting ranges by Forest Meadows and Blue Lake Springs.