As if no one notices that these same people NEVER once wanted to impeach the worst President since Nizon, Georgie Boy BUSH!! |
The fact that the Tea Potty bunch says they are organizing a "National Impeach Obama Week" is no surprise. In fact, every racist tea potty supporter in the US will be cheering.
This is so true. Taxes had nothing to do with this bunch of wacho hatemongers.
Wow! You call the Tea Party names and make unfounded accusations. Take a look in the mirror and see who the real hatemonger is. Stop watching so much MSDNC. Yes I know it is MSNBC. So before you try to correct me, because you took one semester at a Community College, it's spelled WACKO. Unless you really meant wacho, and for the readers, the following is the definition: a word only spanish people can call each other; its like calling a black man n*****. it is used by Spanish gangters and only by them and in a sentence. So, I guess you libtards know best.
ooooh, so defensive!
The louder someone screams "NO, we are not racists", the more noticeable it is that they ARE!
Geesh, things are heating up early this morning.
This is so true and wow they did heat up this morning and then they cooled off a little in the afternoon and then got pretty cold in the evening OMG! The Tea Potty Racists must be exposed and the only place that is going to happen is right here on the greatest news paper ever!!! Sentinel, you go!!! Keep bring us the hard hitting journalism we crave!! Keep'em honest!! Just the best!!
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