Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Who donates to whom? Political schemes and Secrets!!!

Corruption? The money-
laundering  political machine!
   In case you are wondering, there is a State of California ban on specific donations to candidates over a certain amount.  Also, you have to make donations public....well,
except certain donations.

   Who are these donors? The Republican and Democratic Parties, and specifically the local county Central Committees.

  So, for example, the San Luis Obispo Republican Central Committee donates $40,000 or so to a Republican candidate in another county, it looks like an innocent fundraiser donation...but wrong!

  You see, all these big wig PACS donate to the San Luis Obispo Central Committee; the list goes on and on, who want to donate to a specific candidate secretly.
Money laundering makes it
clean money???

The San Luis Obispo Central Committee then sends a big check to the candidate specified in the initial donation but it looks like the SLO Republicans  just collected a sum to send.

   Seem crooked to you? Of course, but because of Prop 34, referred to as the Rube Goldbergian campaign finance scheme, it's legal. You can never find out the origin of the donation.

   We hear that Stanislaus and Tulare are also on the take for this type of corruption. The crooked money-machine works in California.

   So much for clean, open politics in California!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what Berryhill was accused of. Did he get out of it because of this law? This is crooked for sure!!