Friday, October 17, 2014

Double Springs regular hits on "truth"!

   We usually ignore the woman from Double Springs who attends nearly every Calaveras Supervisors meeting, but on Tuesday October 14, 2014 she hit on an obvious truth.

   She stated she only reads the published press releases the Board wants the public to read, but she thinks the one about the CAO Lori Norton, which stated she alone chose to leave her job, is questionable.

   She's a little slow, the Sentinel reported it immediately, as it was obvious that Ms. Norton had just been given an evaluation that very DAY.

   It is all too common for three Supervisors who don't personally like a certain employee to go after them and force them to resign. We see it over and over again in Calaveras, sad but true!!


Anonymous said...

Naughty naughty. not supposed to think anything that isn't written and published by Supervisors paper.

Anonymous said...

You forget, Norton had a previous evaluation July 29, 2014. Hmmm? She resigned without pressure?

Anonymous said...

And the three responsible: pnte,edson,spellman. one is gone, we'll get the other two next election. worst we've seen. religion and religion only. I feel sorry for Lori

Anonymous said...

I know who the regular is, can't think of her name. often runs off at the mouth about garbage, but this time, she got it right.