You make it pretty clear that if a person is into clear-cutting, killing innocent animals and that crazy shooting place Candyrock, Mr. o is your man. If not, then Callaway. I choose the animals, the forest, and peace and quiet, so I choose Callaway.
Does oliveira deny these things; apparently not. if he did, then he would say so. He lost me, and the Muterities lost me, too.
You know, its these tea party crazies like olivera and the real estate people backing him, that make us moderate republicans RUN...far away from them.
You wouldn't catch me dead voting for someone who would support this. It's enough to make you vomit. And they wonder why there is global warming?
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You make it pretty clear that if a person is into clear-cutting, killing innocent animals and that crazy shooting place Candyrock, Mr. o is your man. If not, then Callaway. I choose the animals, the forest, and peace and quiet, so I choose Callaway.
Does oliveira deny these things; apparently not. if he did, then he would say so. He lost me, and the Muterities lost me, too.
You know, its these tea party crazies like olivera and the real estate people backing him, that make us moderate republicans RUN...far away from them.
You wouldn't catch me dead voting for someone who would support this. It's enough to make you vomit. And they wonder why there is global warming?
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