It appears that in an effort to further cause trouble on the Calaveras Unified School District Board, that Darren Spellman and his friend Greg Gustafson, have been causing all kinds of trouble.
A woman who is involved with Lora and Don Most (caregiver or something)
has been convinced to run against longtime and devoted CUSD board member Evan Garamendi. The woman is totally tied up with Spellman, the Most's son-in-law Lujan, who lost the last election. (His wife was let go)
Gustafson is currently the lone trouble-maker at this time on that board. He doesn't seem to care anything about the kids, just wants to cause trouble, and does, with his sidekick Spellman.
This trouble has got to STOP!! Elect Evan Garamendi for CUSD Board, and not some flake that Spellman, Most and Gustafson drug in.. keep sanity on the CUSD Board of Trustees!
Wait. I heard Spellman was in love with marty crain and was fighting georgie for her. what in the world? He's goin down for the count and wants to take people with him.
Come on, the sentinel must know that the Mosts are wachos religious nuts and are hevily involved with superscrew Spellman?
I just heard a rumor that Gustafson is fighting Spellman for cranes affection? are they all nuts?
Did you also hear that Mr. Gustafass is remaking his signs, to run as write in along with ms. crane. wants to be near her, I guess.
I like that, gustafass! the mosts are campaign chairman. and give money to other wachos.
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