Friday, November 21, 2014

"Emancipation Proclamation" for Latinos??? In spite of Racists in Congress!!!

   In a moving and to the point speech last night, President Obama declared in an Executive Order that approximately 5 million undocumented Latinos living in the U.S. may now apply to stay here.

   They will apply for permits, begin paying taxes and come out from the shadow finally. It seems clear that this is just like the time Lincoln issued the "Emancipation Proclamation" for blacks in slavery.

   That was also a Presidential Executive Order too, because of the racism and love of slavery that existed at that time among elected people in congress.   Congratulations Mr. President!!  We'll see what racist attempts the Republicans will make now to curtail it.

   In case you didn't know. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued over 3000 Executive Orders during his 12 years in Presidential Office due to blockages in Congress.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Kudos to the President! I have a racist neighbor I would trade for any latino family.

Anonymous said...

I have druggies I would trade in a minute, too.