Sunday, January 11, 2015

Kudos to new Angels Camp City Council

Will the new City Council start
working for the PEOPLE, or
just their special interest
friends, which has been
their past practice?
   After the 2015 Angels Camp City Council seated Ms. Folendorf and Mr. Behiel, the had to pick a new Mayor and Wes Kulm go the call. Elaine Morris will be Vice Mayor.

      Next, they had to pick two new Planning Commissioners.

  Three applied, and believe it or not, they picked the best two, most qualified, instead of the most anti-business, anti-job as they usually do.

   Robert Moncada, soft-spoken and not wanting to brag like the others, is a contractor, with experience with plans and engineering.  The other one picked was Gary Gordon.

   The City Clerk announced that the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for January 14, 2015 was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. We aren't sure why!'' 

   Again, kudos to the new Council for the Moncada pick, especially.  The Sentinel has been very aware of the City's lack of diversity and tolerance in the past, so the changes are welcome.

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