Wednesday, January 7, 2015 won't bend for TERROR threats

   Several people have asked us today if we are now going to do what the Candyrock shooters want; that is to stop writing anything but good things about the shooters and the range? HUH??
   Freedom of the Press is in the US Constitution!

   This has been going on now since 2009, when a certain individual demanded that we write good things about Candyrock Shooting range because those "******* women" at the USFS were trying to close it for NO reason, and then threw a violent temper tantrum when we refused.

   We will continue to print what we like about this and any other issue, without bending to threats, harassment, vandalism, trespassing, and other violence from these racist, dirty cops and  "gun thugs".  If the Sheriff was doing his job, they would already be in jail.

   Violence like what happened in Paris today would not occur if authorities took threats seriously and locked up those who abuse the press to try and scare them into writing what they want.

   We believe that if the targets were removed and the gate kept locked, the shooting would lessen and regular folks would feel safer there and in the homes nearby. 

    At this time, none of the written rules are enforced, due to limited forestry officials. 

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