Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sign language Translators now at Angels City Council meetings

You're right! We aren't
using the EVIL frog!
We'll have to wait and see!
   Since Amanda Folendorf, recently elected to the Angels City Council, is deaf, two translators have been hired to sign what the people at the podium say to her.

   Perhaps she reads lips and can tell what the other councilpersons
are saying. The translators do not face the public, like in most government meetings in other areas. 
And we aren't sure what the cost is to the city for this service, but it is necessary, in order for Folendorf to serve.

   She did speak once, but read a prepared question for the applicants to the planning commission, sounding very much as if prepared by her Dad or Uncle, who are realtors.

       Being deaf is a problem when in a meeting where several people may be speaking quickly. It is not a problem if only one speaks or for things that are written.

  We have an acquaintance who said it wasn't possible to keep up with a normal conversation of more than one person.


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