In Angels Camp, the City Council has ordered their City Manager to block any and all communication with the public, unless he hears or reads it first.
Many of the voters now feel that Mr. McHatten,
Angels Camp City Administrative Office actually blocks any and all communication directly with the City Councilmembers.
We are investigating this idea: Any City Council member in Angels Camp who desires to be as far as possible from the public, and therefore the press, should NOT be a councilperson, in our opinion.
We have even heard that Mr. McHatten says the only job of the City Council in Angels Camp is to prevent lawsuits against the City. Is that after the City Administrator causes lawsuits to be possible?
There is definitely something wrong if any of the councilmembers agree with that poor logic, and avoid the public directly.
What the City Administrator is really saying to the Councilmembers is: YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO DEAL WITH THE PUBLIC!! Let me play KING OF THE CITY!!
Unfortunately, some of the council people don't feel they are paid enough to give a shit. he does their work. they just nod and allow it.
ya know, he's gonna keep bringing out the Dogtown road development til it passes. he says those people complaining mostly aren't even citizens of angels
Don't you mean Altavile; that's the good part of town.
I thought it was gone, the Dogtown road project? Who the h is lying all the time? Is the council or the manager?
That's nothing. I hear he plans to widen Finnegan lane to at least 4 lanes, to go along with his trail. Wait til they start yelling.
Well, that's the place they need to widen and provide parking and develop. Altaville is just fine. Too bad its not still its own city.
I totally agree about Altaville. Still mad they joined it with angels
Is it just me or does it seem the council represents employees to get raises?
I had heard that McHatten was just waiting for a new angle to move in on Dogtown. He says he'll offer you a fair price for your land.
Didn't we just get rid of one military general; now we've got another? Well, only if the council allows it.
All this means is that nothing has changed. this council does what it wants, or what the CAO tells them to do, just like the old one. Remember how bad things were when folendorf and Ponte ran the city?
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