Saturday, March 7, 2015

Angels Camp Planning Commission to Destroy Property Values in Altaville


    The Angels Camp City Planning Commission has suddenly got 34 parcels (excluding the Middleton's property) to re-zone to their made up zoning BAE on their March 12, 2015 agenda.

  Not only is there absolutely no details provided as to what this newly created zoning is, but they refuse to provide anyone with a copy of the codes details.  There is something so wrong in Angels Camp City offices.  BRING YOUR CAMERAS!!!  WE will!!

      No reasoning with Mr. Hanham, who has made so many terrible decisions in the past, would make him reconsider this horrid move for business owners in Altaville. Planning Commissioners are to do what they are told, not to think for themselves, is all the talk around town.

   Not one Planning Commissioner has expressed any question in his terrible decision, either. They seem to be totally brainwashed by he and McHatten.  This will KILL property values, as if they hadn't already been hurt by the City's bad decisions. 

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