After fighting for a week via e-mail with the City of Angels Camp Planning Director, Administrator, City Council and Planning Commission, we finally were sent some graph that we cannot find in City Code, detailing what is and is not allowed in Anne Forrest's BAE Zoning Code.
Why Anne Forrest? Because it is her club, DAC, who used our tax money to PRETEND to be pro-business, and pushed for BAE zoning for our property. Just read their website! BAE is anything BUT pro-business!!
This BAE zoning, according to what the City Administrator finally sent awhile ago (which we
cannot locate in Code) effectively puts out of business many people!! More details coming!!
This is so true! But they are willing to break all kinds of rules to help Mr. Wilmhurst sell his land on Dogtown Road.
I thought they were more like helping that realtor, janet something or other.
Do I see an arbitrary, capricious lawsuit coming. uh-oh
someone needs to contact the Grand Jury. this city is so corrupt.
Has anyone asked them if they follow Due Process which is in the constitution. Oh, no. Not Agnels camp.
someone should check the ex-post facto laws. The city is good at violating federal laws. You can most likely sue for money.
You do realize that that guy Beheil that you supported voted against yours and everyone elses businesses. He's the worst of all the councilpeople now. he pretends is all.
You do know that Broder used to go and complain about his treatment by the city. Now he's sucked into the slime and because he feels power, he has become slime.
Just saw this. Good points from legal view. If they go ahead with this, what happens?
Angels Camp is so corrupt! How do they get away with it. You should hear what they did to me.
What I can't understand is why Gonzoles went over. she seemed nice when she started.
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