Friday, March 6, 2015

City of Angels Camp avoids Brown Act - Abuse of Power!!

Mayor Kulm hung out to dry??

    UPDATE: Now McHatten is saying there are still 2 committees, with the same name. And he says neither one wants the public to know what they are doing,
so he's calling them adhoc committees.

   Can you believe these corrupt city officials? And why didn't Mayor Kulm know that?

      Wow!!  Why do our City Council people allow this? Looks as though McHatten has left the Mayor hung out to dry! This isn't right!

 As a way of avoiding notifying the public of important changes they are making to certain property owners, the City of Angels Camp appointed people to a committee, calling it the Hwy 4-49 adhoc (adhoc means that whoever show up, shows up
and could be changed meetings at any time, nothing regular or important or to cause immediate harm to property or citizens) Advisory Committee.

   This committee is made up of people they appointed, and even required they fill out applications for this advisory ADHOC committee  (we will name them later)  to put forward their agenda to rezone certain properties.

 Then they later added to the area they wanted to encompass, without even making it clear what they were doing to the landowners involved. (well, at least one of the landowners)

   The Brown Act is there to protect residents, property owners and voters from corrupt practices like this from all government bodies.

     They City of Angels Camp is one of the worst offenders over the years, and we have just uncovered what we feel is a blatant abuse of power by the City Council in order to hide what they really intend, and that is to hurt property values and force THEIR personal agendas on property owners.

   Mayor Wes Kulm stated yesterday that he stated that he insisted the Broglio's be brought into the committee, but that no one chose to consider that.

   Mayor Kulm also stated to me later on the phone that the city believes we are paranoid that the City of Angels Camp is against us with NO REASON!  Very interesting, this Abuse of Power coming from an elected official!


Anonymous said...

Did they blur the lines between the two on purpose? Was the mayor duped? lots of questions I have about this. who is on these committees with the same name or the same streets?

Anonymous said...

Why are you so surprised? This has gone on in this town forever and they get away with it. No sense complaining.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame this mayor. he's new and hasn't got a clue what's really going on. I hear that the city manager and Hanham are running things however they want.

Anonymous said...

I just love that mean frog logok!

Anonymous said...

Are you saying they intentionally may have blurred the lines, and that even the mayor didn't get it?

Anonymous said...

i'm confused! I think the elected people are responsible for knowing what's going on. who's runnignt eh city anyway?

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to those three guys; I though Lynch was one, who tried to clean up all the corruption that had been going on?

Anonymous said...

I hearcd the employees caused all kinds of trouble and gor rid of them, made some resign I think.

Anonymous said...

I agree that its probably not the mayor's fault. Now they'll play run and cover and blame the accusers.

Anonymous said...

I think you're totally wrong. if these councilpeople can't control the people they hire, they shouldn't be in the job. Isn't Morris the only one with any experience?

Anonymous said...

Let's face it! No one locally will run to try and clean up this place. Folendorf may mean well, but in a crowd she doesn't hear and comprehend everything that's going on.

Anonymous said...

Is it true the rumor going around town today that the mayor calls anyone who complains paranoid or mental?

Anonymous said...

I think they mean well when they first get elected, but they get totally brainwashed and governmentized!@

Anonymous said...

to rumor: don't you know that men always say that people who complain, especially women, are crazy in some way. It figures.