UPDATE: No more comments, please!!
....the majority of which are white males, but hires very few minorities. Why???
Over the years, the public has come to know that the California Highway Patrol has appeared to go out of its way to hire dirty cops and racists,
and over the years this has cost the taxpayers plenty in lawsuits and terrible publicity; not even considering the abuse perpetrated on their innocent victims.
Last night KCRA channel 3 did a report on the fact that although many minorities apply to CHP, most of them get "washed out" secretly during the background checks or the academy.
Will they do anything to make the CHP look more like the population of California. We know what dirty white male cops can do; take naked photos of women and pass them around, beat up black women and other minorities, etc. We think CHP can do better!!
I guess racists on the force hire other racists, like for like.
omg...I was a cop for awhile, a female in a boys club. the only way they get caught is if video is running or a female turns them in.
Hey you guys. It's not just CHP. we have plenty of them in Calaveras too.
I saw that. It was interesting that they can keep the hiring process so secret that reporters can't figure out what they're doing.
way too many get away with it for years and years. even women are afraid to report.
can I get in here? I hear all kinds of terrible things go on at our own sheriff, but the women who know have joined the "protection" club with the boys.
In my opinion, anyone who covers or in any way encourages a bad cop, is just as bad, male or female.
I don't blame them for being too scared too tell. I knew a gal in the bay area who told. they drummed her out of the force. cruel and vicious, they are, when protecting their "brothers".
Are you saying that management and the union don't protect those who tell on the dirty ones?
Come on now. The only reason the one who got caught beating up the old black woman was because of all the video. She got a million bucks, so won't be homeless anymore.
Once you go over to the 'dark side' and cover for someone, they've got you. you are now stuck and in a job that ain't that great! I know! I quit!!
Ok I get it! I would never want to be a cop anyway.
I didn't see the report. Is CHP going to change its ways?
there are some good ones out there!
Yeah, but the bad ones make them all seem bad. they should get rid of them.
The CHP is the governor's military wing. Look it up.
The days of locals like Al Courtright are behind us. Now, it's cookie cutter crackers.
I remember that Courtright guy. But he was close buds with that racist that got fired in Stockton, wasn't he? where the heck is he now?
Good thinking! In fact, I heard during the last election that he was in on the harassment conspiracy with the other three hoodlums that worked for Olivera
Which one are you talking about?
I remember that guy named Moon, I think everyone called him. He was nice.
Who brought up Courtright? I didn't like him. Arrogant sob.
Well at least they didn't get caught and fired, anyway.
Come on now. Everyone knows that Kuntz forced all those who wanted to work in the courts to support oliveria in whatever he wanted to do.
I do think courtwrite still lives in the county. Are you sure he would get mixed up with those racists?
Took me half an hour to read all these. Listen, courtwright is smart. Only idiots get caught breaking the law as cops.
lol, lol, that's true enough!
That's good if they get fired, but I never heard of these people. new here. I want to know who are racists of the people now in law enforcement in Calaveras.
After reading through all these, it seems that it may be possible mr. cortrite was trying to give himself a pat on the back and it backfired. Remember, all cops, someone will remember if you treated them rudely, etc. forever.
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