Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Eric Kleinfelter involved in neighborhood criminal behavior???

UPDATE:  Turns out this game camera is one we have been told was put up by Eric Kleinfelter, well-known by us as a paid animal torturer and killer in California, working for the California Fish and Wildlife, as a favor for a jealous and alcoholic neighbor.  

Is the anonymous tip true? Did the F&W killer Eric Kleinfelter try to help a drunk get even for refusal to grant a driveway to through your land to his. Baiting, with a blind nearby.
Want to know who the neighbor is?  Will be public soon.


Anonymous said...

Da govment don't like getting cot!

Anonymous said...

guess who I just saw, the dirtiest cop in the country, smelling up the road; guess where i saw him go? will call

Anonymous said...

Is he the redheaded Nazi wh comes to the board for money levery year?