Calaveras District 5 Supervisor Steve Kearney wrote on his Facebook page false statements about his position on jobs and why he is being recalled.
Kearney is the absolute opposite of what he writes. HE is the one who is catering to the ELITE - the FORD company, who owns the ASPHALT Plant and Voorhees, the big developer in Valley Springs.
I can't fit on this tea potty, so I'll just
have to sh** on the voters
directly!! |
We told Kearney that we didn't want to hear any more lies! What he has done to his constituents is unforgivable. They aren't the elite, as he says. They are the abused!! If this false statement should make people mad, and get every signature in D5 to recall him.
His people, his neighbors, begged him to demand a Conditional Use Permit and Kearney refused! He deserves to be recalled. He's lying now to try and cover.
YOu know the fords and them promised him if he just said it was going to bring thousands of jobs he wouldn't get recalled. It was all lies. no new jobs. now I hear ford is paying for his recall and planting lies for him in websites. be careful, fellow residents
I don't know who did the recall filing, but it doesn't really matter. He allowed the cowboy developer to getout of improving Hwy 26 completely. Disgraceful. He tries to blame CALTRANS??? Give me a break.
Just what Rancho needs. JObs that can kill us and our children, Mr. Kearney. I'm for the recall.
Vicke Reinke, Tea Party head has said she will get him out of this. They need him for their 3rd vote to destroy Calaveras county. Same people who spoke for the racism are for keeping Kearney. figures!
I dont' think Caltrans realy said it was a safe area. they only wrote about mitigation of rim fees and a benefit basin. Kearney lies about everything. HE gave Voorhees special favors; what will he get in return?? so far, it s a recall!
RECALL kearney!!
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