Wednesday, April 20, 2016

"No more cannabis farms! Keep price high!" say growers.

   If you noticed at the last Calaveras Supervisors meeting the CCA (Calaveras Cannabis Alliance) was encouraging, no, promoting the Supervisors to put a ban on all future marijuana farms in the county.

   We found that very interesting, and it turns out there's a very good reason for this. The more cannabis on the market, the lower the price.

   Therefore, if we allow anyone to grow as much as they want the price will go so low that there will be no desire for criminals to grow. 

    That means that all cannabis farmers, just like wine farmers, should be encouraged. How stupid are those stupidvisors in Calaveras???


Anonymous said...

Supply and demand will rout out the bad guys. lower the price. that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

this is like prohibition. criminals move in when you ban something. how truly stupid are our supervisors, anyway?