On Saturday August 13, 2016 Supervisor Oliveira is holding a "dead tree" meeting for residents of District 3 in Calaveras County.
It will be held at Avery Middle School at
11 AM. His friends at SPI will be attending to help him control the crowd. If you want to ask a question, submit it in advance, as this Supervisor cannot handle surprises.
Send them to mcoliveira@co.calaveras.ca.us by August 10, 2016. A moderator will be in charge of the meeting. Oliveira has promised to have answers to all of your questions, so there should be a large crowd.
He will most likely have his gun thugs there for crowd control and his newest best friend and fellow election campaigner, appointed Sheriff DiBasilio.
We have heard that SPI will be given carte blanche on your property, so be ready for heavy logging and NO property rights!!
He knows everything, how to do anything and has been everything at some time in his life. just ask him. also had so many women, married five of them so far.
Why is he going to every oublic event in the county and speaking about dead trees? And bringing his real estate cronies with him?
They are all and only tea party wackos
Why did you hire a Tennessee company when good licensed contractors here in Calaveras County are available and trained to do the same job. Nothing like supporting an outside groups economic interests and leaving the locals to grow pot because they cant find enough work.
BoS are all in it for their own personal agenda not actually representing the community as they should
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