Due to the filthy negative and personal insults some wackos try to post on the SierraSentinel.com about various elected officials and others, we suggest that Alt-Right White Supremacists look elsewhere for a platform.
The reason we allow letters to be anonymous is because of the dirty right wing extremist racists who will attack people personally and also their families if they simply disagree. Go back under your rock under the bridge and leave the rest of us alone!!!
Hello in a concerned citizen is this stuff really happening in our community? Why are we letting them get away with this? Isn't there something we can do!!?
I've heard it's worse than we think. the asheriff is a close friend of these racists and backs them. this isn't just a rumor. i'm against this sheriff or any law enforcement who supports racism.
I think that the trumpism has made these racists feel more empowered and they don't realize that the country is getting browner and more diverse in every way. I'm glad they are a dying breed.
Everyone is talking about Oliveiras part in this. at least one of them is his best friend.
The DA and her hubby, a deputy are also part of this bunch of wierdos.
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