Due to the incompetent and what we consider dangerous behavior of the newly elected Supervisor Dennis Mills (District 4), we are forced to support the efforts to recall him.
He exhibits the exact behavior of those who are running for office with the purpose of creating chaos, disrupting, corrupting and disassembling the government in order to place right wing White Supremacist and authoritarian leaders like Putin in place.
RECALL Supervisor Mills ASAP!!
don't know how some of these nuts get elected.
YEAH! Put the corrupt regime of Edson back in power! Then Calaveras County can return to wallow in third world regime, socialist, anarchist power structure that Edson likes.
Mills will ruin this county with one poor decision afteranother
Mills is a mini Trump! He lied and threw garamendi under the bus. That's enough to warrant a recall! If he treats other supervisors like that then regular citizens will receive worst!
Mills is a mini Trump. He lied and threw garamendi under the bus to boost his own ego and that will never be forgotten. If he treats other supervisors like that how do you think he is going to treat us regular folks? Let's not wait to find out! Recall Mills now!
recall kim jong mills! he's a liar and a tyrant and bad for our county
Mills needs to go, he also is the puppet master of Mr Slouch in your chair aka Clyde Clapp, and Toffanelli can barely put a sentence together, The three stooges show, how embarrasing for the county
The problem is who is going to replace him? we need experienced people that are willing to step up and lead us through these rough times. Ones that the older retired generation and the younger generation can both get behind. I for one am tired of these divide and conquer politicians. How can we find people like that in districts other than 2?
Clown show! Get rid of Mills and the rest of his posse Tofanelli and The clapp
Wow! Are you folks funny! Edson and his motley crew are the cause of the predicament the county is in now. Garamendi put himself under the bus, he can't count and his retention span is limited. There has been 3 if not 4 votes contrary to Garamendi.
As to experienced folks, in the past the county hired folks who couldn't do the job. For example, where is the General Plan. The new CAO is a smart guy. He'll get things done. Soon we'll get to see the pedigree's of the soon to be appointed dept. heads. Maybe, now, Calaveras County will be squared away and get the job done.
Re: Above post... I don't believe anyone is talking about votes contrary to Garamendi's as "throwing him under the bus." They are referring to the fact that Mills lied to him and the public about the ad hoc committee report findings. It's there for all to see on video, but you have to see two consecutive meetings to get it.
Where do I sign?
Garamendi led himself astray regarding Mills. I think a key phrase I heard, Garmendi: "I thought". That was in reference to Mills. If Garamendi doesn't know exactly, he shouldn't have thought. If he doesn't realize there are 3 to 4 Bos who have voted against the issue, he can't count or he's running for a higher office.
Let's get this straight, GARMENDI threw himself under the bus, in an attempt to make Mills and the other supervisors look bad. Personally, I realized Garmendi is a BUFFOON! He does play the wounded role of a politician well.
YEs, Mr. Mills. Whatever you say, Mr. Mills.
Sorry, Mr. Mills and I don't talk or think alike. I'm not mills! Garamendi is still a Buffoon! Somebody check to see if he is getting white, filled full, envelopes!
Come on. Everyone knows that Mills and his wifey go on everything to try and fix what he screws up.
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