We just heard that Trump has now fired his FBI Director James Comey; the one who helped him get elected at the last moment.
What more could Comey do? He injected another investigation into Clinton's emails that swayed just enough people over to Trump. That, combined with the Russian hacks did the trick.
How can Trump now fire Comey? He seems to use people to his advantage and then dump them on the side of the road.
Can he do that during an investigation of HIM??
I never thought I would live to see anything so corrupt as what's going on in WH> shocking
omg, 1973, another constitutional crisis. he's firing the man who's investigating HIM?
There has been NOTHING BUT chaos since January 20, 2017. It seems to be something or more every day of the week! How counter productive for the American people this is.
Oh goodness, this doesn't even come close to Bill Clinton's antics in the white house.
Did anyone hear Sara Huckaby this morning suggesting an end to the Russia investigation. If Putin has that video of Trump, he put pressure on him to stop or at least slow down that investigation, don't you think. Complete disregard for the law.
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