During 2017-18 Budget Hearings they are already talking about adding TAXES to Calaveras residents, both vehicle and property taxes.
These Supes want more of our money to spend!! Mills, Tofanelli and Clapp need it to enforce their GREAT CALAVERA CANNABIS BAN!!
Reach a compromise on cannabis growing and tax it. If they raise taxes on property and vehicles this county will wither and die, especially if we lose the current growers and the taxes they pay. Show how much the growers have contributed in fees and taxes and ask the public if they can afford to make those funds up.
Oh, yeah, mills is big on more taxes. he'll blow every cent too.
If they raise fees and taxes, they can then spend, spend, spend.
Hey, what would happen to county efficiency if desk audits were put in place to track the individuals, in the county agencies, work load completion in the allotted time frame?
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