Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The SierraSentinel.com keeps a log of Calaveras cops!!

  UPDATE:  We have notified the Calaveras Sheriff that we got yet another message from the Blue Tarp Gang, who again repeats that they keep a log on the owners of the SierraSentinel.com.

   Karen Strohmeyer admitted to the District Attorney,
(we have the copy) that she made a giant sign, welcoming people into her Blue Tarp Gang. She is the only person who seems to have this type of mental problem.

   We reported at least two video cameras aimed at our back door from Karen Strohmeyers porch. We are told by an anonymous tip that one camera is linked to her boyfriend.

    The Calaveras Sheriff's Office, for one, hopes you will forget what a bad cop you had the last time you reported a burglary; that is if you got a cop at all.

   The only way you can keep track is to log every call, email, personal meeting, every contact, etc. so that you can remind that cop the next time you see him, why you have NO respect for him (or her)!  They don't like this. They are hoping you'll forget! 

   There are a lot of very bad officers in Calaveras County, Log them, PHOTO id them, VIDEO them, always keep a record.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like your neighbors do to you hahaha

Best regards
Blue tarp gang