Friday, October 27, 2017

Calaveras County racist troll now haunting CNN

Stinking no-good
racist trolls need
to climb back under
their rocks!!!
   Don Lemon, one of the best at CNN, has been sympathetic to the widow of LaDavid Johnson, and harsh on Trump for
his racism. We agree with Lemon 100%.

  As we know, this gets the ignorant, racist trolls all upset. Lemon has now been receiving some of

the filth and death threats that we have reported to the Calaveras Sheriff.

  Racists hate blacks, but also any white who DARES to challenge their sick behavior, and the challenges their mental illness every day!!

   The difference is, NYPD is tracing and prosecuting! In Calaveras, the racists seem to be best friends with the Sheriff, so they can do whatever they want!!!

   It's a shame we have a White First Sheriff's department! Just like the Trump regime, it's not America First, it's WHITE FIRST!!

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