After years of infighting and political roohaas by the Alt-Right, today came down to the phony and allegedly fraudulent EIR report by Jack Cox and Supervisor Mills in Calaveras County.
On top of all that, a letter written by
Supervisor Clapp, with assistance from Mills, did not have approval of the board. He sent this letter to EBMUD and others. Bad things came out today.
It was 3-2 with Garamendi, Toffanelli and Oliveira in favor and Clapp and Mills against. The nasty evil looks on those two Alt-Right faces was scary. Toffanelli had gone over to the side of the LIGHT!! He wasn't corrupt as they are.
Toffanelli wants them grown in pots? They are plants, plants go in the ground. He wants tanks to catch runoff, runoff from my 100 acres tanks need to be really, really big. 50 grows? No tax money in that. Most of his proposals will be renegotiated or challenged.
You forgot to mention, Tofanelli and Tryon had lunch together. The comrades held hands. I would suggest that Tofanelli's diatribe was partly due to Tryon's influence on Tofanelli. What ever happened to their primary duty, PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS? Let's see if Calaveras County can afford to really regulate cannabis.
At least its a start! Things will relax as it becomes a common farm. Maybe if they just grow indoors for awhile.
This issue is huge and it was always meant to start slowly. The county is overwhelmed and needs to be educated, staffed and funded in order t monitor commercial cultivation. Thank you Gary for having the courage to introduce strong leadership and start with strict regs. You are a good supervisor and we will vote for you when your term is up and you run again!
Do you really think the illegal growers will leave?
Tofanelli will be gone before the illegal growers.
Tofanelli just showed strong leadership and made a god decision which will result in the current divided county coming together on some common ground. The taxes will fund the eradication of all illegal grows. Good job Supes! Except the two stooges who lied to the community and were caught
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