Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Dictator Trump wants a military PARADE!!!

      Dictator Trump ordered the Pentagon to plan a multi million dollar parade for Washington DC on the 4th of July because he wants to
pretend he's not a coward. (he' now being called Bonespur)

   Other dictatorships around the world flaunt their tanks, missiles and other war-mongering materials to try and scare the world.  Trump is just one of them, or is a wanna-be dictator like Putin. (kiss-kiss)


Anonymous said...

He wants to compete with his hero rocket man Kim jong un.

Anonymous said...

A waste of money. If he wants to honor the military then give them more pay.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't care about the military. This is for HIM. He wants to honor TRUMP!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is more of a distraction from his now chickening out of talking to Mueller. Did you see Colbert last night. Buck-buck-buck