Sunday, May 6, 2018

Burning allowed, with Permits

  As of May 1, 2018 CalFire requires burn permits to burn outdoor yard waste in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties. 

   Go to your local CalFire station to apply
for the permit.  Then you must call 754-6600 before burning to make sure it is an air pollution permitted burn day.

   Follow all of the rules about distance, tools and times to burn.


Anonymous said...

Probly some too lazy to bag and take it in.

Anonymous said...

Then there are those who just love to play with fire. I've seen them out there, poking at it, daring it to run away, etc. I agree that they need to ban all burning.

Anonymous said...

What about the smoke. on a burn day, you can hardly breathe in EP. crazy people seem to like smoke.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know, but there is nothing more enjoyable than watching your fat hog neighbors choke on their own smoke, lol, lol

Anonymous said...

I'm with banning all burning.