We ran into Supervisor Oliveira at the Meadowmont Shopping Center this afternoon and he asked if we had seen the Access TV video of the three candidates for Supervisor.
We just finished!
Everyone should go watch it. It's much better quality for sound than the debate at Sequoia Woods earlier this year. Callaway seems to have lost confidence or was not well; Langan has gained confidence, although he talks too fast and Supervisor Oliveira sounded positive about the future, although perhaps a little nervous about the election. He still speaks way too loudly!!!
Could very well be a runoff. At the end, Callaway repeated her mantra that she has FUN being Supervisor and misses it. I don't think most of us vote for a Supervisor because it's FUN for them.
She also said "I don't really know why I lost, something happened", to which Supervisor Oliveira replied "I thought it was votes"! Very quick and clever comeback!
Langan scares us a little because he states that he is NOT RIGHT and he is NOT LEFT, but we are WELL aware that he is ALT RIGHT and is friends with MILLS and the rest of the Calaveras Tea Party nuts!
Haven't seen it yet. Will have to go check it out.
I agree that something is wrong with Merita. Is she sick or just getting old. I don't think she would have acted that way in the old days when she was in her prime.
It appears Merita has early onset dementia as she struggled to collect her thought. Rather embarrassing and I can't imagine her doing this position because its fun. Maybe its is fun, but tell the truth, you want the 65 k or so that it pays.
Olivera is a bag of hot wind and would and he only knows what he knows from 4 years of the on the job experience. That's it!
And Langden is a moderate which is what the board needs. Wake up people!
Langden has no clue what he is talking about. Doesn't even speak of the right budget. Oliveira was so general I have no idea what he has actually accomplished so my vote goes to Merita. At least I can see a list of accomplishments from her.
yes Langden would be good!
All three garbage candidates looking for a pay check and pension!
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