Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Oliveira: Nashville???? Spend more time at home with locals!!!

   At the last Calaveras Supervisor meeting on July 23, 2018 District 3's Oliveira, who is in a tight race with past Supervisor Merita
Callaway, bragged about a trip to Nashville.

   He didn't talk about his evenings spent at various nightclubs in the Nashville area, but boasted how important he was and how it helps California.

   Mr. Oliveira, we have told you MANY times that you will NOT get re-elected because you get to take fancy trips to Nashville on the taxpayers dime.

   You will only get re-elected if people here locally feel you are connected to them.  Callaway is ALWAYS available when we call her with a question.

   You are NOT!  If she wins, and it will be close, that will be the reason. You do not get along with the regular working and retired folks who vote in Ebbetts Pass!


Anonymous said...

who ever wins district 3, the citizens of district 3 will be the loosers!

Anonymous said...

What about Ed Langan? He presented the best case for residents -- his demeanor and knowledge on issues seems very sensible to me. How can we keep him involved in county politics?