Friday, May 31, 2024

Home invasion in Arnold

    On May 24, 2024 at around 7:25 PM deputies responded to a home in the 3000 block of Ponderosa

Road in Arnold for a physical altercation.

   The suspect, Michael Kenneth Saunders (47) of Arnold, who had been friends with the victim prior to this incident had allegedly become violent with the victim after being asked to leave.

   Saunders apparently returned to the resident with a rifle and knocked the door off its hinges, making threats to those inside.

   Saunders  was on active probation at the time. He was arrested for felony vandalism, criminal threats, dissuading a witness and burglary. 

   Suspect Saunders was transported and booked into the Calaveras County Jail without further incident. His probation was revoked.

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